Travel Reimbursement Policy

Revision  11/16/2021

The mileage reimbursement rate will coincide with the IRS Standard Mileage Rates for each year. A printout from Map Quest, Yahoo Maps, etc. mapping the route taken must be provided confirming the mileage. The mileage shall be calculated from the shortest possible route available. The Coleman branch of the Peshtigo National Bank shall be the destination used to calculated all mileage for bank transactions for the Town of Brazeau. All request for reimbursement shall be submitted no later that sixty days from when the route was travelled. This policy will cover all elected officials, all emergency services personnel, town employees, plan commissioners and anyone acting in an official capacity for the Town of Brazeau. All mileage reimbursement is subject to the approval the of the Town Board.

The travel reimbursement policy approved by Town of Brazeau board and adopted motion on November 16, 2021

Ryan Wendt, Chairman

Attest: Brooke Kriescher, Clerk/Treasurer

Visit to see IRS standard mileage rates for the current year.